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Considering Being a Foster Parent?

Foster Parenting Interview:

With the New Year, many of us look to new ideas, new projects or new ways we can help others.
With the ongoing need for more Foster Parents, what better way to share your desire to help others and make a huge difference in a life.
Foster parent options can be as simple and casual as being a driver to help kids get to appointments, providing respite for a weekend or just a day, so full time foster parents get a break, or taking on the full time rile of Foster parents for deriving kids, who through no fault of theirs, is without a parent who can take care of them and attend to their needs.

This video interview with a Foster parent and state workers who facilitate the services can give you a window into the experience- along with contact information, should you be interested in finding out more.

Or you can also contact me for more info:
Mike Mrowicki
Vt. State Representative, Windham 4 District