2022 Event Schedule for Putney Pool:
Putney is SO lucky to have the Putney Pool as a resource. For more information on the cost of membership, visit: bit.ly/PutneyPool
Starting 7/5/22, the 2022 event schedule will begin — it will run through the end of the summer:
-10:00-11:30: Open Swim Lessons. One ticket per lesson. $10/1 ticket. $50/6 tickets. Share with friends!
-11:30-12:30: Water Aerobics. Non-members $5 per class.
-5:30-6:30: Adult Swimming. Regular pool entrance fees apply.
-5:30-6:30: Water Aerobics. Non-members $5 per class
7:00 start: Movie Night & Night Swimming. Movies selected by lifeguards! Entry by cash donation to benefit the Putney Foodshelf. (Rain date on Saturdays)
-5:30-6:30: Adult Swimming. Regular pool entrance fees apply.
-5:30-6:30: Adult Swimming. Regular pool entrance fees apply.
-11:30-12:30: Water Aerobics. Non-members $5 per class.
Following the Friends of the Putney Pool on Facebook for more info about these events: www.Facebook.com/PutneyPool
The Town of Putney does not maintain that Facebook page, but collaborate with the Friends of Putney to get accurate info out to the public, including about cancellations and closures.