Constituents can have profound influence(s) within their community.
Many Putney citizens contribute time, skills, ideas and energy to make Putney a wonderful community to live in or to pass through.
The Putney Selectboard would like to recognize an outstanding citizen for the 2024 Community Service Award.
Is your neighbor a business owner, a volunteer assisting an agency or organization, or a person you would nominate for a Community Service Award?
If you know someone who has impacted Putney over the past year for the betterment of all, let them be known!
Simply send a letter with your nomination along with a brief statement as to why you feel this person(s) should be considered for an award.
Please send your nomination in a sealed envelope to:
Town of Putney, Assistant Clerk
P.O. Box 233 Putney, VT 05346
RE: Community Service Award Nomination
Drop off your nomination in the secure lockbox at Town Hall
or Email:
Nominations must be received no later than January 5, 2024 by 4:30 PM.
All nominations are confidential. The honoree(s) will be announced on March 5, 2024.