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Antiques and Uniques Appraisal Scholarship Fundraiser

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Treasure or trash? Collectors will be able to find out if that family heirloom Grandma passed along is worth hanging onto at an antiques and uniques appraisal event Sunday, May 5 in Bellows Falls.
The fundraiser runs from 1 to 5 p.m. at the United Church on School Street and is a benefit for the Bellows Falls Woman’s Club scholarship fund. Admission is free.
Several appraisers will be on hand to evaluate items and provide information about them. Up to three items can be presented, at a cost of $8 each, or $20 for a box lot of coins, stamps, postcards, jewelry or the like. Firearms, knives, ammunition and other weapons are excluded, as well as rugs larger than 6 by 9 feet. Large furniture pieces can be evaluated through photographs.
Appraisers currently scheduled are Stephan Brandstatter of Brattleboro, who specializes in music-related items, Kit Barry, also of Brattleboro, whose expertise is ephemera, Sharon Boccelli of Westminster, well-known local auctioneer and Dan Yelin, owner of Colony Antiques in Keene, N.H.
Barry describes ephemera as “… any paper material…covered from 1700s through today, (including)… catalogs, booklets, pamphlets, letters, labels, products with labels still attached, product boxes, greeting cards, invitations, tickets, programs, photographs, school report cards, menus, newspapers, magazines, forms, etc.”
Textiles, furniture, currency, coins, clocks, watches, sterling, objets d’art, books, fine china, jewelry, oriental rugs, entertainment memorabilia, American and European art glass, fine art, pottery, musical instruments and vintage clothing are suggestions for items that can be appraised.
Access to the venue is through the rear of the church at the ground level. Parking is limited in the rear, but additional parking is available in the Hetty Green park lot behind TD bank. Helpers will be on hand to direct traffic and help with offloading.
Further information can be found on the BFWC Facebook page and website,
The BFWC scholarship fund awards scholarships to graduating seniors at Bellows Falls Union High School and Fall Mountain Regional High School.