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iPutney is a non-profit community news web site. Put your own Putney news and events online by clicking on "Submit Story" or "Add Calendar Event"
To the community of Putney, it is with reservation the Redemption Program at the Town Hall Barn is “closed/temporarily suspended” until further notice. The Town of Putney can not take […]
Town Hall NewsThe Putney Town Plan is a document prepared by the Putney Planning Commission with the assistance of other community boards, individuals, and professional planners, like the staff of the Windham […]
Town Hall NewsPUTNEY WATER SYSTEM – VT0020934 Consumer Confidence Report – 2020 This report is a snapshot of the quality of the water that we provided in 2020. Included are the details […]
Town Hall NewsA cellphone was found on Route 5 near East Town Farm Road over the weekend. Please call Town Hall and I can give you the number of the person that […]
Town NewsWe have a set of Subaru keys that were found in with the bottle returns. If you are missing a set of keys please 802-387-5862 x14 to claim them.
Town NewsThe Town of Putney is seeking bids for a two-year contract for the mowing and cleanup of town properties and town cemeteries. A list of properties, bid details and required […]
Town Hall NewsThe Town of Putney is seeking bids for a two-year contract for landscaping services of two Town properties. A list of the properties, bid details and required bid forms can […]
Town Hall NewsUPDATE: Yesterday on February 25, 2021 changes were made to the Town Clerk, Annual Town Meeting website page. Without realizing until a resident emailed our office late last evening, critical […]
Town Hall NewsAs we continue to function outside of our norm, the Town of Putney town offices have prepared and continue to prepare for March 2, 2021. With the continued COVID-19 uncertainty […]
Town Hall NewsProperty tax installment #3 is due February 19, 2021 by 4:00 pm. Please drop your payment in the secure box outside the double doors at Town Hall. Covid-19 number in […]
Town Hall NewsTopic: Public Informational Meeting Time: Feb 27, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82481153829?pwd=SGVMNG5nU3BtVVpCK0tKMTNDcTE2UT09 Meeting ID: 824 8115 3829 Passcode: 811476 One tap mobile +13017158592,,82481153829#,,,,*811476# […]
Town Hall NewsBetween Sunday, December 20th and Wednesday, December 22nd several green totes of donated cans and bottles were pillaged from town hall property. It is the holiday season, we are still […]
Town Hall NewsAll this snow and now possibly all this rain! The fury of Mother Nature. First, thank you to the Putney Community for handling the first major snowstorm of the season […]
Town Hall NewsThe following are elected positions voted into office by the constituents of Putney. If you are interested in a position please contact the Town Clerk, Jonathan Johnson at 387.5862 extension […]
Town Hall NewsThe following positions are appointed by the Selectboard. If you have an interest serving on a Board/Committee or Commission please send a letter of interest to the Town Manager at […]
Town Hall NewsConstituents within a community can have profound influence(s) within their borders. Many Putney citizens contribute time, skills, ideas and energy to make Putney a wonderful community to live in or […]
Town Hall NewsThe Putney Winter Parking Ban is in effect commencing November 1, 2020 through April 15, 2021. Per the order of the Select Board, the following will be cause for removal […]
Town Hall NewsVERMONT COVID-19 ARREARAGE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Vermonters suffering economic hardship due to loss of income from COVID-19 can get help now to pay past due utility bills for residential and business […]
Town Hall NewsProperty tax payment #2 is due 11/20/20. Please drop your payment in the secure box outside the double doors at Town Hall. With Covid-19 making a big comeback we prefer […]
Town Hall NewsWhile bottle donations have been on the rise and we thank you for the donations, we are also having a bit of a problem with trash being left. It is […]
Town Hall News