From the town clerks office…
The official ballots for the August 14th State Primary have been delivered. If you care to vote early, please stop by. Please encourage other voters to stop by also.
We are also sending out absentee ballots to those who want/need one. If you know of voters who are serving in the military or are out of the country, please let me know so we can get their ballots out in time to be returned by August 14.
If you are aware of disabled or ill voters who want to vote at home, please contact me and I will draft a pair of JP’s to deliver the ballots.
Jonathan Johnson
Interim Town Clerk
Town of Putney
802-387-5862 x13
Office hours-
Mon, Tue & Thur 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Wed 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Fri 10:00 to 3:00 pm