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Candidate Forums, Thursday and Friday Evening

Ruby McAdooAttachmentsWed, Sep 16, 4:59 PM (2 days ago)
to me

TITLE: Candidate Forums, Thursday and Friday Evening

Let’s Grow Kids is partnering with the Vermont Chamber of Commerce and the Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA) to hold virtual candidate forums for lieutenant governor (Thursday, September 17 at 5:30 PM) and governor (Friday, September 18 at 5:30 PM). All Vermont candidates for lieutenant governor and governor are being invited. The candidates will be asked how they would approach current issues including:

• The growing need for consistent broadband connectivity
• Inadequate access to high-quality, affordable child care
• Access to affordable housing in Vermont
• Investment in rural economic development

Tune in to hear what the candidates have to say about issues that matter to Vermonters.

Let’s Grow Kids has teamed up with Vermont Chamber of Commerce and the Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA) to cohost these nonpartisan Vermont candidate forums. They will be premiering the forums on Facebook. To make sure you don’t miss this opportunity to hear what your candidates have to say, get a Facebook Premiere reminder using these links:
Get a reminder for Thursday’s Lt Gov forum:

Get a reminder for Friday’s Gov forum: