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Community Bookbinding Workshop– Saturday, April 6th 1pm-3pm

Community Bookbinding Workshop
Saturday, April 6th 1pm-3pm
Registration Required

In 2019, Putney Public Library began to assemble a chapbook of poetry by writers with creative ties to Vermont. The original goal was to hand bind and release the book in early summer of 2020. While the project was unexpectedly delayed, the chapbook has made progress behind the scenes and we’re now in a position to gather and bind the book as originally intended!

The book, appropriately titled Time Capsule, features the work of 18 poets, pages marbled in community workshops in 2021, and a beautiful letterpress cover.

Join letterpress artist and writer, Candace Jensen, and artist and library board member, Amber Paris for a bookbinding workshop that will contribute to the finished books. We will use the Japanese stab binding process to complete the final steps in the book’s production.

There is limited space in this workshop—please register: