Request to the Putney Community:
Constituents within a community can have profound influence(s) within their borders. Many Putney citizens contribute time, skills, ideas and energy to make Putney a wonderful community to live in or to past through. The Select Board would like to recognize an outstanding citizen for the 2021 Community Service Award.
Look into your community, is your neighbor, a business owner, a volunteer assisting an agency or organization a person you would nominate for an award? If you know someone who has impacted Putney for the betterment of all, let them be known.
Simply send a letter with your nomination along with a brief statement as to why you feel this person(s) should be considered for an award.
Send your nomination in a sealed envelope to:
Town of Putney, Select Board
P.O. Box 233
Putney, VT 05346
RE: Community Service Award Nomination
or drop your nomination in the secure lockbox at Town Hall.
Nominations must be received no later than January 24, 2022 by 4:00 PM.
All nominations are confidential. The honoree(s) will be announced on March 1, 2022.
Putney Select Board
Joshua Laughlin, Chair;
David Babbitt, Vice Chair;
Aileen Chute, Clerk