Downtown Revitalization Task Force Meeting – Wednesday May 10, 6 – 8pm at PCS (Music Room)
[Note: This is a schedule change.]
Please join us for the third full Task Force Meeting. We have been meeting since February and have divided into four sub-groups (Inventory, Streetscape Design and Vision; Business Support and Marketing; and Funding). Its not too late to join a group or just attend the meeting. All are welcome. – Task Force Chairs Lyssa Papazian & Eric Bass
6:00 – 6:05 Welcome and Introduction
6:05 – 6:25 Where Did We Last Leave our Heroes? A brief recap of last meeting
a. Protocols for talks with property owners
b. Update on Public Art project, how to get involved, and expansion to include new ideas and protocols for further initiatives
6:25 – 6:50 Reports from all 4 Groups (6 minutes each max.)
1. Inventory
2. Streetscape
3. Business needs
4. Finance
6:50 – 7:15 Update on staffing. Discussion: What impact will a funded coordinator position have? How to fund it.
7:15 -7:40 Discussion: What do we need to report to the Planning Commission (meeting on Economic Development May 11)? Who will attend?
7:40 – 7:55 Goals: 2-3 short term and 2-3 long term one month from now
7:55 – 8:00 Next meeting date