41 Sand Hill Rd
Putney, VT 05346
Bondeko is the unlikely collaboration of neighbors in Portland, Maine’s migrant community: an Albanian crooner, a Guinian drummer, a French singer-songwriter, a Latin musician from Texas…
The result is a mix of hypnotic Roma melodies, festive Cumbia rhythms, Malenke sing-alongs, and relentless Balkan tempos, peppered with heartwarming waltzes and maybe even a lullaby in Portunhol if the vibe is right.
Each performance is a celebration of the joy of working across cultures with bandmates you may not even share a language in common with. And the night is never complete without some audience participation!
Bondeko is proudly from Portland, Maine, proudly international and proudly multigenerational.
The Bandwagon Summer Series is a family-friendly outdoor cultural performance series running from early May through mid-October. 20 performances ranging from a diverse group of musical styles, circus arts, dance, and theater will take place at ballfields, farms, and parks throughout Windham County. Kids under 12 always get in for free, and a dedicated play area will be available at all shows. Refreshments are sold onsite, including the return of the hugely popular Barr Hill cocktails. Bring a picnic and a blanket or fold-up chair to enjoy our concerts.