Exploring the Possibility of Establishing an Intentional Community in Brattleboro
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018 at Brooks Memorial Library (224 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT, 05301). 12pm-1pm. We will have a total of nine sessions. The meetings will be open to all and you can come to any or all meetings.
Evangelina (Vangie) Holvino and James Cumming organized a Brown Bag Lunch on Intentional Communities at the River Garden on March 14. In that event we explored definitions and examples of intentional communities and talked about participants’ interest and concerns in setting one up in Brattleboro. The four people who joined us for that event, plus us two, felt we had a very rewarding discussion, which should continue.
So, we have booked one of the small rooms at the Brattleboro Memorial Library for a meeting, every other Tuesday, from 12 noon to 1 pm. The first meeting we be held on April 3rd, 2018, then after that,
• April 17th, 2018,
• May 1st, 15th, 29th,
• June 12th, 26th, and
• July 10th, 24th
The purpose of the meetings is to continue to explore the why, how, where and when of establishing an intentional community in Brattleboro. Please pass this invitation on to anybody you know who might be interested.