Thanks to an innovative program run by 350Vermont, called Rewild Vermont, we have access to three kinds of nut-bearing trees:
American Hazelnut
Black Walnut
Shagbark Hickory
Just pick them up (in early May), plant them, and water them regularly.
We will provide planting and tree care instructions.
Your cost: ZERO. Your benefit: more healthy trees and the nuts they bear, when mature. And on your property, too! Or elsewhere: That is possible, but you would have to make arrangements with landowners.
To order your trees, click on this link: which will take you to a sign-up form. Tell us the trees you want and how many. (If the link doesn’t work, email Paul at the email listed below.)
The program is being organized by: Paul LeVasseur and Casey Murrow, but we are only organizing the Putney version. Leadership comes from 350Vermont and volunteer staff in Brattleboro. We have over 300 trees on order (for Putney) with more available. We hope you will join us!
To learn more:
Questions? Concerns? Email:
Please note: this project began in 2020 led in Putney by Ward Ogden. Many thanks to Ward for helping us get underway!
Support the ReWild Putney project by forwarding this email to friends and colleagues who might be interested.