Green Up Day is this Saturday, May 5. We welcome all Putney residents to participate. If you want to help picking up your neighborhood or anyplace else in town:
A town truck will be parked in the usual spot between Our Lady of Mercy and the town hall all day Saturday. Beside it will be a box of Green Up bags. Please take as many as you think you will need but no more than that.
Go to the place that needs cleaning and fill your bags. Bring your filled bags back to the truck and put them in the back. It’s okay to leave them beside the truck if you can’t reach in. I’ll take care of it later.
Safety reminders:
To guard against ticks, wear light colored clothing and tuck in; wear boots and gloves if you can. Use insect repellent with Deet. Remember that bushy areas with high grass and leaf litter are ideal tick habitat. If you go into these kinds of places to collect trash, try to avoid brushing against or touching the surrounding vegetation. When you get home, remove your clothes, wash them, and check yourself for ticks.
If you find what yo believe may be hazardous waste, do not touch. Call me at 387-5402 and leave a message stating what you have found and where, along with your telephone number.
Thank you all as always for your effort!
Dan Toomey
Putney Green Up Coordinator