Green Up Day has been postponed from May 2 until May 30, 2020. With the way our world has changed over the past several weeks, it is important and also nearly impossible to gauge what will happen over the next month. Above all else it is important for Vermonters and all people to be safe while trying to offer a touch of normalcy to keep us all sane and doing good in our communities. This year marks the 50th Anniversary Green Up Day and I hope we have terrific participation. Green Up Day supplies will be delivered to town hall the first week of May.
No one really expected the 50th anniversary of Green Up Day would include working around a pandemic, but we will accept our challenges and persevere to make this Green Up Day memorable. There will some fun celebratory things planned for this year that will launch us into the next 50 years. Please check in periodically for additional details.
We hope everyone will apply their excitement to get outside, to Green Up Vermont on May 30. This act of community service and making our state shine is so good for our hearts, souls, and civic engagement—even at a distance. “Greening Up” is much more than the act of A DAY, it is a caring mindset that we teach our children, it is taking care of where we live for a healthy environment, and it is about connecting our communities with a goal for common greatness. Together, let’s make it a safe and hugely successful 50th Green Up Day.
Jonathan Johnson, Putney Green Up Day Coordinator (802) 387-5862 Ext. 13
• Wear rugged work gloves.
• Wear long pants and boots.
• Always check for ticks.
• Do not pick up sharp objects. Get an adult.
• Dispose of any sharps in a heavy plastic bottle with the lid screwed back on and marked “do not recycle.”
• Wear bright colored clothing.
• Review safety rules with kids.
• Work facing oncoming traffic.
• Use sunscreen.