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In 2 Weeks…Community Suppers Are Back!

Save the Date!
Putney Community Suppers Are Back on Friday, February 10 at Next Stage Arts Center in the heart of the Putney Village

WIth COVID receding  (hopefully) and a growing community desire to have opportunities to gather in community, the organizing committee has set February 10th as the return of Putney’s Community Suppers.

The first supper will be a special treat with Eleni from the Putney  DIner, sharing her heritage, preparing a Greek dinner for us.Doors will open at 5:30 and all are welcome.
We ask those who can, to make a donation to defray the costs of the food. We also welcome help moving forward with various tasks, from organizing to clean up afterwards- or set up for subsequent events.

For  more information about the suppers, feel free to contact ;
Simon Renault
Mike Mrowicki