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Instructions for joining & participating in the 2021 Putney Town Meeting Public Informational Meeting

Every Town of Putney voter has the right to join and participate in the 2021 Putney Town Meeting Public Informational Meeting (Saturday, February 27, 2021, 10 a.m., via Zoom) to ask questions about and speak for or against adoption of each warning article (per the First Amendment).

Official instructions published on the front cover of the 2020 Putney Town Report and as Instructions for Voters mailed to us with our Australian ballots are written by Zoom experts for Zoom experts.

Now clear, simple, tested, one-page instructions for Town of Putney voters joining and participating in the Public Informational Meeting via Zoom and computer, smartphone, tablet or conventional telephone (via toll-free phone numbers) are available at Putney Town Hall (387-5862).

Getting these instructions to voters who do not have Internet access is the challenge that our town officials have overlooked and our small-town grapevine can beat.

Please tell everyone you know that these instructions are available at Putney Town Hall.

Thank you for your consideration.

Howard Fairman
Instructions author