The art of Lacto Fermenting – Learn how to make kimchi, sauerkraut and other goodies
Saturday, September 18th“
10am to 12pm | $50
location: Scott Farm Orchard
Sign up on the website:
Because they are rich in probiotic bacteria, lacto-fermented foods such as sauerkraut, pickles or kimchi add beneficial bacteria and enzymes to intestinal flora, increasing the microbiome and gut health, aiding digestion, and enhancing the immune system. In this workshop, we’ll discuss the process of lacto-fermentation and the health benefits of fermented vegetables; I’ll show you how to make sauerkraut with simple ingredients and basic kitchen tools. And each participant will get to take a jar home.
What to bring: Scott Farm will provide jars and kitchen utensils for attendants. Please bring an apron, a cutting board and your favorite kitchen knife
Instructor bio: Tim Allen has been lacto fermenting all manner of vegetables for the better part of 20 years. He first learned from Sally Fallon’s book Nourishing Traditions, and has then picked up ideas and know-how over the years from Sandor Katz, Sharon Kane, and many others. Tim is a visual artist and works as a personal chef, creating food for small events and special occasions.
For more information, contact Simon: