Landmark College is keeping the surrounding community apprised of our approach to offering residential and online programs to our students during the Fall 2020 semester. This includes health and safety protocols related to preventing spread of the novel coronavirus.
Health Services conducted COVID-19 screening tests on 535 students, faculty, and staff members during the week of October 19-25. All results were negative.
The College currently has no individuals in isolation or contact quarantine. Complete testing data from August 10 onward can be found at This page is updated every Tuesday.
Another battery of routine screenings will be conducted in mid-November. These will include all students, faculty and staff who are living or working on campus during the Fall Semester.
All Landmark College community members are required to self-monitor for symptoms daily and report them using a COVID-specific app, self-isolate if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or are exposed to another individual who tests positive for COVID-19, and comply with all protocols for testing, face-covering, hand-washing, and physical distancing. In addition, many staff and faculty members are working remotely on either a full-time or hybrid schedule in an effort to reduce population density on campus
The College’s Critical Incident Response Team continues to meet weekly to review and monitor policies and procedures informed by state guidelines and best practices.
Members of the campus leadership team meet weekly with the presidents of other independent Vermont colleges throughout the semester in order to remain united in our individual and collective efforts to deliver a college education this semester.
The Health Services staff meets weekly with the Vermont Department of Health and college health services and leadership teams.
Questions about Landmark College policies and protocols related to COVID-19 testing and management should be directed to