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Landmark College Update on COVID-19 Testing of Students, Faculty, and Staff (September 10, 2020)

Landmark College’s leadership team wants to keep the surrounding community apprised of our approach to offering residential and online programs to our students. This includes health and safety protocols related to preventing spread of the novel coronavirus.

Health Services reports that all day-7 tests for students who arrived August 27-30 have returned and are negative. Complete testing data can be found at

All students have now been cleared from campus quarantine, meaning they can eat meals in the Dining Hall and travel off-campus to Putney and Brattleboro for limited activities that include grocery shopping, picking up food from restaurants that offer drive-through or curbside pickup, and getting haircuts.

Students have been reminded that receiving day-0 and day-7 negative tests does not mean they no longer need to follow the primary policies in place for COVID-19, including maintaining six feet of physical distance and wearing masks.

Members of the campus leadership team will continue to meet weekly with the presidents of other independent Vermont colleges throughout the semester in order to remain united in our individual and collective efforts to deliver a college education this semester. The Health Services staff meets weekly with the Vermont Department of Health and college health services and leadership teams.

All Landmark College community members are required to self-monitor for symptoms daily and report them using a COVID-specific app, self-isolate if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or are exposed to another individual who tests positive for COVID-19, and comply with all protocols for testing, face-covering, hand-washing, and physical distancing.

Questions about Landmark College policies and protocols related to COVID-19 testing and management should be directed to
