As Landmark College prepares for the fall semester, President Peter Eden and the College’s leadership team want to keep our fellow members of the Putney community and neighboring towns apprised of our approach to offering residential and online programs to our students. This includes health and safety protocols related to preventing spread of the novel coronavirus.
Following State of Vermont guidelines for colleges and universities, students who were required to quarantine on campus began arriving August 14-16 and were tested on their arrival day. As of Monday, August 17, the College has tested all 110 students currently on campus and 83 faculty and staff members. All results have been negative.
Students that have been on-campus since the start of the summer session in July are permitted to leave campus now. All students who arrived in mid-August will remain in campus quarantine until they receive the results from a second COVID-19 test, which will be administered seven days after the first test.
Students who are able to quarantine at home according to State guidelines and then travel directly to campus in private vehicles will begin returning to campus on August 27. They will also be administered a COVID-19 test upon arrival and seven days later.
At the end of their quarantine periods, students will be able to travel within Windham County, Vermont and other local areas as allowed by Vermont’s cross-state travel guidance. Any time students are off campus, they are required to observe physical distancing guidelines and wear a face covering regardless of local regulations.
All remaining members of the faculty and staff will be tested by Wednesday, August 26. In addition, all Landmark College community members are required to self-monitor for symptoms daily, self-isolate if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or are exposed to another individual who tests positive for COVID-19, and comply with all protocols for testing, face-covering, hand-washing, and physical distancing.
Questions about Landmark College policies and protocols related to COVID-19 testing and management should be directed to