Listening to Signal: A film on a sustained dialogue on Climate Change.
Imagine sitting in a circle with a group of remarkable women (scientists, philosophers, artists, writers, educators, cultural anthropologists) who are ready to look honestly at the climate crisis: What does our changing climate mean for life on Earth? Why is it happening? How do we choose to respond? Can we live now for the world we wish to see?
Come watch the new documentary film Listening to Signal by Nara Garber which captures this sustained dialogue, using the Council process, among these woman as members of the Clark University initiative Council on the Uncertain Human Future (UHF). Filmed during a reunion at La Mesita Ranch (Pueblo of Pojoaque) in northern New Mexico in February 2016, they extend their conversations and questions to us.
Overview of the UHF initiative & film followed by a facilitated Council circle.
Thursday, April 27
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Putney Library
Hosts: Paul LeVasseur & Bonnie Mennell
More info: or 387-4102