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Make Something Beautiful with Wood

March at HatchSpace
Learn to use jigs for precision cuts, make a clever box or a gourmet rolling pin, or have fun with turning green wood!

Two Fun Projects
Pivot Top Box: A small project with infinite design possibilities! This great place for small keepsakes is fun and quick to make. The class will cover the safe and thoughtful use of the band saw and the drill press. March 9 1 – 5 pm; $90
More info and registration:

Make A Frame: Learn the safe use of the table saw and miter saw while making a beautiful mahogany frame – you choose the size (up to 18”x18”)! Participants will learn to use two specialty jigs to increase accuracy and strength of the finished frame. Saturday and Sunday, March 19-20 10 am- 1 pm; $100
More details and registration:

Lathe Classes for Beginners
Shaping, or “turning” wood on a lathe is a simple process and loads of fun.

Turning a Bowl from the Log: We will begin this class by splitting fresh cut hardwood logs into half-round blanks. We will then rough-out our blanks into circles, mount them on the lathe, and, using various gouges and scrapers, learn to remove all the wood that isn’t part of the bowl within. March 12, 10 am – 4 pm; $130
More details and registration:

Turn a French Rolling Pin: Using relatively few tools and a careful step-by-step approach, we will learn to accurately achieve symmetry of form as we capture the subtle curves of this wonderful kitchen tool. March 23, 10 am – 1 pm; $70
More details and registration:

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