The Putney Trails Project is pleased to announce the printing of a map: Places to Walk, Hike, Bike and X-C Ski in Putney. It is now available to the public. Find the map at various downtown locations, including the Putney General Store, the Putney Food Co-op, the Town Hall, the laundromat, and more. Please join the conversation at:
This map is the result of the work of the Putney Trails Project, which was conducted by Hannah Pick in collaboration with the Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition, and with the support of a grant from the Vermont Department of Health.
Cartographer: Jeff Nugent of the Windham Regional Commission
Graphic Designer: Susan Kochinskas of Flocksholm Design
A cross section of the Putney population was surveyed at Town Meeting on 3/4/14 to see if there was interest and use for this map. 63 people were surveyed.
- 97% of people surveyed said they think “it would be useful to have a map/guide of walking/hiking/biking areas in Putney”
- 84% agreed with the statement “My community/town should do more to make it easier for people to be active and do things like walk, hike and bike.”
At the end of the school year 25 PCS middle school students were surveyed:
- 68% of the students surveyed said they think “it would be useful to have a map/guide of walking/hiking/biking areas in Putney”, while the others said maybe or had no opinion.
- 80% of the students when asked “How well do you know where walking/hiking/biking trails are located in Putney?” responded by saying “somewhat” or “not well”.
The map includes 25 routes, ranging from dirt road walks to conservation site hikes, cross-country ski trails and recommended bike rides. This map is presented to Putney with the hope that it will inspire healthy physical activity and a spirit of exploration within the community.