Masking in Schools — what do we think in Putney?
The school district (WSESD) has a public forum on Masking in Schools tomorrow. If you are in Putney and have an opinion about masking in schools, please complete this survey:
The more voices we hear in this survey, the more informed we all are about the views of our community. Complete the survey by noon on Tuesday 3/15/22. We will post results on the PCS Leadership Council Facebook page. Thank you!
The Windham Southeast School District is holding a public forum at 6pm on Tuesday, 3/15/22, to discuss Masking in Schools. The forum will take place at the BUHS Auditorium and is available via zoom:
It appears that our district is deeply divided on the issue of masking in schools. Many find themselves wondering what people in Putney think about masking in schools. The PCS Leadership Council is asking for feedback related to the Putney community. We hope to get your response to the follow survey by noon on Tuesday, 3/15/22 — We can then gather all of the data, create a report, share it on social media and allow everyone to refer to the data as needed. Our hope is that the Putney community completes this poll and allows us all to see a widespread and accurate reflection of the community’s feelings on masking in schools.
Quick links that may be helpful: — Survey, please reply by noon on Tuesday, 3/15/22 — memo announcing the forum and laying out the masking policy — PCS Leadership Council Facebook page — zoom link
Phone option: 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 943 5290 1521 — phone-in option for meeting
Thank you!
PCS Leadership Council