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Mid-Session Legislative Report

Please note- For a full report of all House Committees please visit my website;

While Covid is still the big story, we’re gaining on it and I’m hopeful by summer, things will start to look better. Eventually, it will recede. Then, we’ll still have to deal with the other Pandemics; Climate and Racial/Social Justice. And, we are.
With Climate, we know that home heating and transportation are the two largest parts of Vermont’s Carbon footprint. We will expand Home Weatherization programs beyond just low-income residents- although there will still be income caps. We will also look to increase supports for efficient heating units, especially Heat Pumps. Last year, we created the Climate Solutions Council to organize efforts and set goals for the state in regard to Climate Actions. So, more will be forthcoming as we await recommendations from that new Council. In Transportation, we’re expanding subsidy for EV purchases & putting more money into charging infrastructure. However, EV’s will still be out of the price range for most Vermonters so, we need a state public transportation plan. That’s where the Transport Climate Initiative comes in and we hope the Governor will support our joining this. It will create a plan for a statewide public transportation system.

As a member of the Social Equity Caucus, addressing Systemic Racism has brought up actions such as expanding the Office of the Director of Racial Equity. We are also addressing the inequities in policing, health, housing and economic opportunity.
Broadband is another local concern. Locally the Non-profit Municipal Telecom Utility, DV Fiber is the best bet to get 100Gig Broadband, the standard of the future -especially for households with multiple users. For a comprehensive look at the work of 15 House Committees, visit:

Thanks again for the honor to serve you. It’s humbling to come up against the limits to what we can do as a legislator but also rewarding when I can successfully help. Please feel free to be in touch anytime, for a question, suggestion or when you just don’t know where else to turn. Thanks!
-Mike Facebook