Join us for the theatrical time of your life! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll cheer, you’ll boo! There will be heroes, villains, and fools and more! Come see what the kids have been up to at our first Melodrama Festival of the season — $8.00 admission for both Jr. and Sr. shows!
Kids ages 9-11 will perform in The Great Caper Caper written by Nick Bombicino
and directed by Hayden Bunker and Raphi Shamas
When a trio of quick-thinking sisters gets tired of “You must pay the rent!” and “I can’t pay the rent!”… they take matters into their own hands! But what happens when you live in a world where villainy is chic but morality is still the right thing to do? What happens when you walk a mile in another’s shoes? What happens when you can’t go home again? Tune in to find out!
Kids ages 12-15 will perform Pomp and Circumstance written by
Caleb Roitz and directed by Moriah Martel and Caleb Roitz.
When an infamous diplomat is found dead at the estate of a renowned doctor, the mystery is on, the culprit must be found and shenanigans ensue! WIll our detective and his trusty assistant solve the case? Will the unfortunately named reporter rise above his bizarre moniker? And most importantly – is yoga the key to life?
Performs Friday, June 30 at 6pm
Saturday, July 1 at 2pm and 6pm
Admission $8 for admission to both Junior AND Senior shows
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