Windham and Windsor Housing Trust is in the final stages of designing for 24 units of affordable housing on the property across from the Putney Coop. There is a growing set of questions and concerns, and a sense of needing more information amongst townspeople. Item #3 may be newsworthy.
P.O. BOX 233 PUTNEY, VT 05346
Tel. 802-387-5862 Fax 802-387-4708
Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at 7:00 PM
Putney Town Hall
PUBLIC ACCESS: Please join the Planning Commission in person at the Town Hall. Remote access is
not guaranteed especially during a storm, a power outage or technical difficulties. Access, if available, to
meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 9457 3455; Passcode: Put5862
You can also dial in using your phone One tap mobile +16465588656, 81494573455#, *4385438# US (New York)
WELCOME: Visitors are welcome at Planning Commission meetings. Anyone wishing to address the
Commission on a specific matter is encouraged to make arrangements to appear on the agenda with either
the Planning Chairperson or the Town Manager. Emergency matters can be handled by requesting recognition by the Chairperson during Other Business. Reasonable accommodations will be made upon request.
1. Call to Order (Chair – 7:00 PM)
2. Adjustments to the Agenda (Chair – 7:02 PM)
3. Peter Paggi/WWHT Project Update (Peter Paggi – 7:05 PM)
4. Update on Enhanced Energy Plan Editing
(Cert. of Occupancy/Residential Energy Code Filings) (Robin Ekstrom – 7:40 PM)
5. Municipal Planning and Bylaw Grant Applications Update (Chair – 7:55 PM)
6. Annual Town Report PC Statement/Assign author (Chair – 8:00 PM
7. Approve Minutes from October 5 Mtg (PC– 8:00 PM)
8. Confirm Next Meeting Date: December 2, 2021 at 7 PM (PC – 8:03 PM)
9. Adjourn (PC – 8:10 PM