Please find below the Agenda for the next meeting of the Putney Affordable Housing Committee.
We’ll be hearing a presentation on Co-Housing from John Bartholomew of the Cobb Hill CoHousing Community in Hartland, Vt.
We’ll also be hearing a presentation on HOmebuying from Bruce Whitney of Windham-WIndsor Housing Trust.
WELCOME: Visitors are welcome at [insert board/committee/commission] meetings. Anyone wishing to address the Board/Committee on a specific matter is encouraged to make arrangements to appear on the agenda with either the Board/Committee Chairperson or the Town Manager. Emergency matters can be handled by requesting recognition by the Chairperson during Other Business. Reasonable accommodations will be made upon request.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Welcome to new member(s)
4. Presentation on Buying a Home:
Bruce Whitney, Director of Homeownership Program, Windham-Windsor Housing Trust
5. Presentation on Co-Housing- Living in an Intentional Community:
John Bartholomew, Cobb Hill Community, Hartland Vt-
6. Public Comment/ Questions
7. Adjourn
Toll Free Phone: 1(646)558-8656
Meeting ID: 814 9457 3455
Passcode: 4385438