Let’s Talk Housing!
Are you experiencing a housing crisis? Can’t find the housing you need in Putney? Tired of maintaining more house than you need? Do you commute more than 15 minutes to go to work in Putney? Interested but challenged to renovate, add-on or build new housing in Putney?
To address this, a Putney Housing Survey is being conducted to learn more about the housing needs of current and future residents, Putney’s current housing stock, and strategies to stimulate and expedite housing solutions to meet diverse community needs.
Within 15 minutes, you can take the Putney Housing Survey online bit.ly/PutneyHousingSurvey. Or you can pick-up and return a paper copy of the survey at Putney Town Hall or the Public Library. Complete the survey by September 30 and know that you’re helping to inform future housing strategies in Putney.
This survey is part of Putney Planning Commission’s Housing Needs Assessment & Action Plan assisted by Camoin Associates, a Project Advisory Committee and other Putney volunteers. It is partially funded by the Department of Housing & Community Development.
It takes a Village, to make a Village – so, thanks for your help!
P.S. Stay tuned for info about a Putney Community Meeting on October 21 to discuss the survey results and other market research.