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Revitalizing Transition Putney

Dear friends,

In order to keep Putney on track to be a sustainable town in keeping with Vermont’s renewable energy goals and to keep the Transition movement going in Putney,
several of us would be willing to help form a new group as we would like to see a revitalizing effort for the movement, but we cannot do it alone.

Transition Putney received a grant (in the past) and along with gifts, the accounts stand at over $2500.

If there are several people interested in rekindling the excitement, or participating in any of the following activities (or dreaming new ones) please let me know, by a reply to
The money could be spend in one or more of the following ways, or please send in your thoughts;

Training in non violent communication / transition training scholarships
More community green houses
New community gardens or orchards
Additional workshops for food processing, storage, and consumption
Fund raising efforts to keep this cycle growing
Other new business ideas?

It would be great to have a meeting to help the idea along, and to get a small group together to decide which trainings or activities would be best to enhance the Putney effort. Transition trainings and/or school food/garden efforts sound like good ideas to me, if the group gels and decision makers come up with a plan on how funds are dispersed this can all happen pretty quickly.

Please let me know your thoughts, and availability for a meeting.

-Daniel Hoviss