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Spring Geology Trio

Roger Haydock, formerly with the Nova Science Program, will present a three-part Local Geology Program this spring.

This ‘Geology Trio’ will consist of a lecture / slide presentation in May, followed by field walks exploring the different geology of two local mountains, Black Mountain and Putney Mountain.

1. Thursday, May 5th, 7:00 pm – Lecture / Slideshow, The Learning Collaborative, 471 Rte. 5, Dummerston (1.8 mi. north of Exit 3 rotary)

2. Monday, June 20th, 6:00 p.m. – Field Walk on Black Mountain to explore signs of Glacial Lake Hitchcock. Meet at Dummerston Covered Bridge parking lot to carpool to site.

3. Saturday, July 23th at 9:00 a.m. – Field walk to explore the geology of Putney Mountain. Meet in the Putney Mountain parking lot on Putney Mtn. Rd.

This program is co-sponsored by the Putney Mountain Association, the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center, and the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society. The program is free and open to the public.