The recent incident of Anti-Semitism in town and across the state and nation are harsh reminders that Anti-Semitism is still as virulent and damaging as ever- even though it doesn’t garner the headlines it once did.
Within every such situation there is an opportunity for learning. We hope this can likewise present others- like myself who are not Jewish- the chance to learn more. More of both the experience of our Jewish friends and neighbors, the history of their faith as well as the attendant Anti-Semitism that has been a historical companion.
As such, I have reached out to those directly involved in this most recent incident as well as those peripherally, who might help- specifically the Brattleboro Area Jewish Community, and others committed to Justice issues.
Plans are beginning that can bring people together to offer support, learn and benefit us all, as we look to follow that most basic concept of Judaism, “Tikkun Olam”, to repair the world.
Stay tuned for more information as this unfolds, AND, if you’re interested in helping pull this together, feel free to email me;