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Town of Putney Seeking Team Members for Community Resilience Organization

Team Members Wanted: Town of Putney, Vermont, Community Resilience Organization (CRO).

The Town of Putney is looking for community members (3) interested in serving on a newly formed Community Resilience Organization team. The CRO is a pilot project to create local resilience networks that bring together planning and conservation commission members, social service providers, emergency responders and other community leaders. The project will include 5 pilot towns in the first year and Putney was fortunate to be asked to participate as a Pilot town. The team will be asked to collaborate on shared projects that implement the municipal hazard mitigation plan and strengthen social connections. Members will be required to attend a summit meeting to include a Friday afternoon and overnight stay into Saturday afternoon in late March/early April, commit to at least one committee gathering before the summit and one Town-wide day of CROing. For more information on the Community Resilience Organization you can go to their website at

If you would like more detailed information please call Cynthia Stoddard, Putney Town Manager at (802) 387-5862 x11 to schedule an appointment. There is also a video of the Selectboard meeting in which this topic was discussed on BCTV at Meeting date was October 8, 2014.

Team members will be appointed by the Selectboard and must commit to the requirements listed above. Team members will represent leadership from land conservation, planning, emergency responders, community leaders and social services. If you have knowledge in any of these areas and are interested in becoming a team member please send a letter of interest by November 5, 2014 to Cynthia Stoddard, Putney Town Manager at or by mail: PO Box 233, Putney, VT 05346