Vermont Timbre, the musical duo of Amelia Struthers and Mike Mrowicki will be featured at the Putney Farmer Market this coming Sunday July 30.
They’ll be serving up some fresh, local musical produce as well as providing a break from the rushing white- waters our busy schedules can sweep us into.
The music of Vermont Timbre is just that – a break, in a warm, quiet pool of deep enveloping sound. Vermont Timbre, the duo of Amelia Struthers and Mike Mrowicki brings simple, sweet harmonies and easy, rich musical backing to their original songs.
They’ll feature songs from their last CD Songs To Light the Way, as well as music-only interludes on guitar from Mike.
The CD was inspired by the green hills and gentle people of Vermont, as the album invites you on a journey into that home in Vermont. The place where we know each other, and make our own sunshine to get us through the long, cold winters.
The Vermont , where the spirit is always close at hand, through the connections of the land, the people and the arts.