The Debating Our Rights series continues at the Putney Library with the next installment focusing on the Fifth Amendment. On the last Wednesdays of the month, Meg Mott, professor of politics at Marlboro College, has been leading discussions on the Bill of Rights. On September 27 at 7 PM, the discussion will focus on the rights of the accused.
The attendance at each session has been steadily rising. “It’s clear,” says Mott, “that people want to discuss their rights.” Mott has long been interested in the tension between expert wisdom and democratic deliberation. “When it comes to constitutional issues, citizens generally leave the decision-making to the experts on the bench. Every so often, however, a decision comes along that makes a lot of people angry. For some, Roe v. Wade was a wake up call. For others, it was Citizens United. It’s healthy for citizens to take on the major constitutional questions of the day.”
September’s discussion will focus on the rights of the accused in a criminal case, such as the right to a speedy trial and the right to remain silent. Questions to be considered are: What happens to a main component of our civic education when most criminal cases are decided through plea bargains instead of juries? Why is the right to remain silent so important to our democracy? What makes confession problematic?
The series will continue through October when the Sixth Amendment will be up for debate. All discussions are free and open to the public.
Putney Public Library is located at 55 Main St in Putney, VT. This event is free and open to the public.