On Wednesday June 24th at 11am, The Putney Public Library will kick off its youth summer reading program with a musical program by former librarian, Stephen Coronella! This year’s summer reading theme is Every Hero Has A Story, so come say hello to Stephen and see his performance of THE HERO’S JOURNEY, a musical presentation for the whole family, which brings to life the likes of King Arthur, Johnny Appleseed, Robin Hood, and many other heroes!
Kids ages 4-14 can also sign up for The Putney Library Summer Reading Program, a self-paced non-competitive reading program that includes tracking how many books you’ve read (or had read to you) over the summer—kids can record their books at the library and add a raffle ticket for each library visit they make. Prizes and summer reading certificates will be awarded at the Wrap-Up Ice Cream Social on August 5th. The summer reading program will also include weekly special story times with local heroes from our community, including firemen, our local sheriff, and people who do animal rescue!
Come join us, enjoy songs, have some snacks, and sign up for a program that will keep your children engaged in literacy activities for the summer!
Putney Public Library is located at 55 Main St. in Putney, VT. All of our events are free and open to the public.