Vermont State Representatives Michelle Bos-Lun and Mike Mrowicki will host an online Community Forum on Saturday June 19, 2021 from 10 -11 a.m. to wrap up the 2021 Legislative session. As representatives of the Windham 4 District of Westminster, Putney and Dummerston, they’ll be reporting on progress made on Covid and its attendant concerns, as well as other headline issues. From Climate, Racial Equity, Increasing Voter Access, Health Care/ Mental Health Care, Broadband, Education, Agriculture, Roads and Bridges, etc., there’s been much accomplished and much to report. The entire hour of the conversation will be dedicated to updating and answering questions for the members of the Windham 4 community with their Representatives about highlights in our state since January.
“With a veto session looming, we’re not quite done yet with all our legislative work for this year, but we’re excited to share the long list of work, we have done- and start the prep for next January’s session”, Rep. Mrowicki shared from his home in Putney.
“Looking forward to sharing news of our accomplishments and to learning more about constituent
priorities in the coming year”, Rep. Bos-Lun of Westminster added.
For more information, or Log-In info for the online meeting, please email ;